Community Minded, Workforce Oriented
Collective Community Initiative, LLC (CCI) is a minority and woman-owned and operated business formed in October 2014. A limited liability company located in Pompano Beach, FL 33060. It is an economic and workforce development company with a mission of creating demand-driven solutions while improving the lives of the residents within our client areas. CCI provides workforce development, job creation, community building and participation opportunities for residents. CCI’s vision is to produce sustainable increases in the productivity of individuals, businesses, and resources to increase the overall well-being of the community.
I would like to thank you on behalf of the entire Junior Achievement team for your partnership for JA Inspire Virtual Career Explorations Fair 2021. Together with educators and industry leaders like yourself, we have introduced students to high growth/high wage career fields. Today we made a deep impact on the students as they begin their journey to the workforce.
We are forever grateful for your support.
Today we celebrate inspiring 8,000 students to continue their journey to success!
- Anna Khaver